The logical step from the Still Image to Moving Pictures


Creating atmospheric short movies is a particular passion of mine. I guess it is like bringing photographs to life giving me the opportunity to tell a story. Turning the camera on my surroundings and capturing real life is a beautiful thing to do.



The beautiful Neve wearing an outfit created by designer Kelly Spencer. I shot this promo video during a photoshoot at Allerton Towers in Liverpool on a very sunny afternoon. Yes there is snow, but it all happens in post production.The music featured is taken from my album Lightcatchers and I think it really helps to create a beautiful atmosphere.


Long Gone

Shot on the empty city streets of Liverpool during the first Covid lockdown in 2020. Filmed to accompany the track ‘Long Gone’ which I had written at the beginning of the lockdown. The empty city has a certain calmness and beauty and I think the footage perfectly suits the music but I guess I am a little biased.


Being Different

Filmed at Vale Park in the secret garden and features some of the parks interesting inhabitants. The fabulous people who created this magical environment deserve a thunderous round of applause. The Park is lovingly decorated with amazing objects which give the space a mystical atmosphere. I was honoured to film here and add a touch of music.



I put this video together using old TV clips to compliment a new piece of music I had written with a television theme. I think the two work together really well and help to create a unique experience.



If I not pointing my camera at something you'll usually find me with a guitar round my neck.
Here I managed to do both simultaneously so to speak.
I often look at my photographs and wish they could come to life.
So in this video I animated a selection of images and wrote a piece of music to accompany the video.



After writing and producing the track ‘GLITCH’ I put together a video featuring beautiful video clips that help to create a fabulous atmospheric vibe. There are so many creatives around the world and I thank all the wonderful film makers who contributed to the video. You’re all stars.


Art & Design

